Pokemon go wearable
This post will be all about wearables for pokemon go. This post will be quite long, so if you need to use the bathroom now is the time to do so. Ok, we are starting off with the first and the original pokemon go wearable, the pokemon go plus! The pokemon go plus is the first wearable that was available to the public. With a starting price of 34.99 dollars it has risen quite sharply to about 60 dollars right now but at a point it was over a hundred. It ran out of stock faster than a trip to the mall. It was one of the fastest selling items I have ever seen, with bids on Ebay as high as 200 dollars the pokemon go plus packs a giant punch. Though it isn't that useful for catching for you can only throw one normal pokeball at a pokemon, so if you really want to catch you are gonna need your phone. It's more useful for pokestops and eggs for to me that is it's home territory, and with its wireless low battery bluetooth connection you're battery life stays fresh. ...